Rule for Success

A simple Rule for Success.

If you find yourself attracted to get rich quick schemes or offers that seem too good to be true, there’s a really simple and effective rule to remember.
It’s this.

No rule for success will work if YOU don’t.  Richard Denny

It may seem harsh but the simple fact is, that success is simply NOT something that happens overnight. Ask the winners of X Factor how many sacrifices they had to make. How many friends they had to leave behind, and how much work they had to put in before getting even close to success.

It’s the same in business and the rest of life…

Attracting customers

Being healthy

Having happy relationships

Some people make it look easy – but in reality there are some new habits to make and plenty of old habits to break! So don’t get sucked in with get rich quick schemes or fad diets unless you go into them with your eyes wide open and are prepared to work, work, work…

If you run your own business on Anglesey or around the Bangor area of North Wales, and you need some help growing your business, please feel free to give Your Local Dragon Directories  a call or come along to a business networking event and have a chat. We’re happy to help.

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