We hope you’ll be re-charging your batteries with a well earned rest.

When you are running a small business one day flies by, and the weeks run into months and before you know it, the resolutions you made last December have long been forgotten.
Or have they?
If you wrote down some goals last year, look back on 2013 and you’ll probably find that some of your personal and business resolutions will have been fully or partially achieved – sometimes even without you ‘trying’.

It’s like magic!
Whilst you recharge your batteries this Christmas, give yourself an hour or so of ‘time out’ to decide what you’d really like to achieve in your business & personal life during 2014.
Writing your goals when you’re relaxing can help your subconscious to get to work towards achieving them – sometimes without you realising you’re doing it!
Your Local Dragon already have some BIG goals in mind for 2014 – some of them can help your business to grow too, so we’ll be sharing them with you very soon!
Have a lovely Christmas!
We can help you to grow your business during 2014. Call or email for more details