When you think you’ve got your workload under control something crops up and the rest of the day is wasted… Is this what happens to you?
Let me explain how I deal with time

Each day I set myself a maximum of 6 most important tasks to complete, and it goes like this…
- You set down the tasks for the day in order of importance
- You know roughly how long each job will take- be realistic
- You allow for interruptions, breaks, unexpected calls…
Something will usually take you off task and before you know it you’ve only got to number 3 on your list of 6 for the day – but you’ve done the most important things first!
Next day you start again.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and …
“Always include flexibility into your mix of tasks for the day, and you’ll find that you’ll usually get the most important things completed.”
Remember, life will sometimes get in the way of running & building your business, and the most precious commodity in the world of business isn’t cash – it’s TIME!
So tomorrow I promise to use it wisely. Do you?
Your Local Dragon…
Read more about Time Management for small businesses
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