What would you spend it on?
A new website? New vehicles? Staff? Equipment? Wouldn’t it be great!!! But in truth, would your business be more likely to succeed or fail with an injection of easy cash?
True, you could grow your business easier and quicker with more backing, more money, more capital, and your bigger dreams could be fulfilled NOW!!!

But when we grow our business, we grow alongside it – our knowledge and business nouse develops with the triumphs and pitfalls.
It’s a bit like having kids.
We have to grow and learn with them..
Some people argue that grant funding can actually hamper business growth as it allocates unfair ‘advantages’ to some businesses, and not others. What’s your view?
We may dream of better cash flow, being able to have an expensive all singing all dancing website, of investing in more staff or new buildings. But most of us plod on – building our businesses up, bit by bit.
Having shedloads of backing doesn’t guarantee success – the Canolfan Cywain project in Gwynedd is testimony to that. It opened in 2008 having received £2million in public funding but its been closed since 2011. As a ‘business’, it lasted less than 3 years. I guess the money spent on the Canolfan Cywain project focussed too much on the dreams – rather than struggling, making mistakes, learning from them, and being sustainable.
We have to dream, then we plan our business growth into reality.
Advertise alongside some of the best businesses on Anglesey and Gwynedd in Your Local Dragon, and we’ll help your local business to achieve it’s goals!!